Mod & JabuAfrica

For the entire month of February, mod. is giving 10% of each sale on their website to JabuAfrica! Show your LOVE today…and give HOPE to families in DRCongo! Wanna know more about the project benefiting from this campaign? It’s a nutritonal feeding program in Kapanga–this amazing program both heals and empowers those living in this small village in DRC. Keep reading…this is only the beginning of an amazing story!

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Mod & JabuAfrica

The Peanut butter Miracle!

New friends,

My name is Rody (Road-e) and my wife and I have the privilege to be involved in the holiest of work—giving hundreds of severely malnourished children a chance at life and bringing new hope to a people all but forgotten by the rest of the world.

At the gracious invitation of Jabu Africa, we’d like to begin to tell you about an exciting, unfolding story of creative and loving partnership with the desperate people of Musamba Village in the southeast region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This new world of possibilities, as odd as it might seem, begins with a peanut butter miracle.

Just a few years ago a Swiss doctor was as frustrated as thousands of others before him when dealing with very poor and isolated people and malnutrition in their children. Over and over again the sad story went like this: as soon as a mother could no longer nurse because of her own poor nutrition, her infant would begin to suffer. With so little protein available inevitability countless numbers of babies slowly starved to death. With no potable water and no refrigeration to keep nutritious supplements the situation seemed pretty hopeless. What was needed was a RUTF (ready to use theraputic food) that didn’t need any water, could keep indefinitely without refrigeration and would be a super-food boost for children. Doctor Manary came up with exactly this and it is brilliant in its simplicity: an energy-dense paste made up of ground up peanuts mixed with oil, powdered milk, sugar and a highly specialized vitamin/mineral mix. Once produced it can be eaten by infants “as is.”

Doctors without Borders now calls his paste a “revolution in nutrition.” In a recent 60 Minutes special a spokesperson for Doctors without Borders said, “We now finally have a simple and powerfully effective tool to fight hunger. We can take a child who is about to die and bring that child back to close to normal in just a few weeks!”

The product is now produced by several large companies for about one dollar a serving and is being used by nearly all major relief organizations in developing nations. This RUTF has saved hundreds of thousands of children already.

Wonderful right? Right! But a few of us thought we had an even better idea. What if we could teach the local people to make the product themselves for the half the cost of the large corporations, creating jobs, using local resources and putting the distribution in the hands of local nurses and doctors? That’s the unfolding dream now taking place in a very isolated village in the southeast portion of the Democatic Republic of the Congo. The village is called Musamba. More of this story to come…

There are certain things a program should offer, ms.

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